viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008
Ascensor final (por Iaru)
Private Sub L1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
L1.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub L2_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
L2.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub L3_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
L3.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub L4_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
L4.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 480) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
L5.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamar1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
llamar1.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 480) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub llamardos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
llamardos.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
cuentapisospb.Caption = Val(cuentapisospb.Caption) + 1
llamarpb.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub llamarss_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
cuentapisosss.Caption = Val(cuentapisosss.Caption) + 1
llamarss.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub llamartres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
llamartres.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub LPB_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
cuentapisospb.Caption = Val(cuentapisospb.Caption) + 1
LPB.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub LSS_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
cuentapisosss.Caption = Val(cuentapisosss.Caption) + 1
LSS.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
pcinco.Enabled = False
pcuatro.Enabled = False
ptres.Enabled = False
pdos.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
ss.Enabled = False
puno.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
pcinco.Enabled = True
pcuatro.Enabled = True
ptres.Enabled = True
pdos.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
ss.Enabled = True
puno.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008
Ascensor 4 (por Iaru)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub L2_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub L3_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub L4_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ll1_Click(Index As Integer)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub
Private Sub ll2_Click(Index As Integer)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub
Private Sub ll3_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub
Private Sub ll4_Click(Index As Integer)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub
Private Sub ll5_Click(Index As Integer)
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamar1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 4680) / 840
ascensor.Top = 4680
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1560) / 840
ascensor.Top = 1560
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1560) / 840
End Sub
Private Sub llamardos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 3720) / 840
ascensor.Top = 3720
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 5640) / 840
ascensor.Top = 5640
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub
Private Sub llamarss_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 6480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 6480
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub
Private Sub llamartres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 2640) / 840
ascensor.Top = 2640
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub llpb_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub
Private Sub llss_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub
Private Sub LPB_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
cuentapisospb.Caption = Val(cuentapisospb.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub LSS_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
cuentapisosss.Caption = Val(cuentapisosss.Caption) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
pcinco.Enabled = False
pcuatro.Enabled = False
ptres.Enabled = False
pdos.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
ss.Enabled = False
puno.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
pcinco.Enabled = True
pcuatro.Enabled = True
ptres.Enabled = True
pdos.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
ss.Enabled = True
puno.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Ascensor 3 (por Iaru)
Private Sub L1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub
Private Sub L2_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub
Private Sub L3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub
Private Sub L4_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub
Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ll1_Click(Index As Integer)
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub
Private Sub ll2_Click(Index As Integer)
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub
Private Sub ll3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub
Private Sub ll4_Click(Index As Integer)
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub
Private Sub ll5_Click(Index As Integer)
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub
Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub
Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub
Private Sub llamarss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub
Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub
Private Sub llpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub
Private Sub llss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub
Private Sub LPB_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub
Private Sub LSS_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub
Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
pcinco.Enabled = False
pcuatro.Enabled = False
ptres.Enabled = False
pdos.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
ss.Enabled = False
puno.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
pcinco.Enabled = True
pcuatro.Enabled = True
ptres.Enabled = True
pdos.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
ss.Enabled = True
puno.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008
Semana 29 (por Iaru)
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me es muy práctico.
Las webcams con cristales Swarovski demuestran que si no brilla no sirve.
Lo elegí porque me gusto el modelo
Nov 6th 2008
viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008
Semana 28 (por Iaru)
24 de Octubre
One of my greatest passions in life is oil painting. I love everything about it—even the smell of turpentine (especially the smell of turpentine). However, for the novice the whole process can be quite daunting. It's messy and mixing the paints correctly requires skill. That is why designer Yana Klimava developed Virtuo—a digital painting system for beginners that overcomes these problems. The system consists of a monitor that acts as a digital canvas, a palette, a pencil, paintbrush, palette knife, airbrush and pastel stick.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció muy original
El robot EI-E abre puertas y cajones (¿?)
23 / 10 / 2008
Este robot es capaz de abrir todo tipo de puertas y cajones, incluyendo la del microondas, y responde además a órdenes recibidas por voz (del tipo "empuja", "tira" y tal). En fin, pues eso. Si quieres ver el vídeo haz click en Leer un poco más abajo.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porue es muy interesante que el robot pueda recibir ordenes
Samsung muestra la primera foto del Cleo, su nuevo móvil femenino
24 / 10 / 2008
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me gustó el diseño
Ascensor 2 (por Iaru)
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub
Private Sub L2_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
End Sub
Private Sub L3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub
Private Sub L4_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub
Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
End If
End Sub
Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub
Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
End Sub
Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
End Sub
Private Sub llamarss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
End Sub
Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub
Private Sub LPB_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
End Sub
Private Sub LSS_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
End Sub
Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
ll1.Enabled = False
ll2.Enabled = False
ll3.Enabled = False
ll4.Enabled = False
ll5.Enabled = False
llss.Enabled = False
llpb.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
ll1.Enabled = True
ll2.Enabled = True
ll3.Enabled = True
ll4.Enabled = True
ll5.Enabled = True
llss.Enabled = True
llpb.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008
Ascensor (por Iaru)
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008
Semana 27 (por Iaru)
Oct 17 2008
Air Art from flip on Vimeo.
Like Festo's Air Ray and Airjelly contraptions, this Fin-Fish R/C blimp floats so gracefully through the air that it is liable to hypnotize you at your office desk until quittin' time. There isn't any information on device, but it appears to be an entry in the annual Airship Regatta held in Germany. And, and like the Air Ray, it is probably built with a helium-filled balloon and servo-driven fins.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció un buen invento.
Chinese-made solar-powered car gets 150 kilometers on a 30-hour charge
Oct 17th 2008
It may not attract the same sort of glances as a Tesla, or a Volt, for that matter, but this solar-powered car built by China's Zhejiang 001 Group is pretty impressive in its own right, both for its price (just $5,560), and it's efficiency. That latter bit is a result of some rather un-integrated solar panels, which absorb 95% of the solar energy they take in and convert it to electricity at between 14 and 17% efficiency, which is actually pretty impressive as far as solar panels go. According to the company, that should let you travel about 150 kilometers on a 30-hour charge, though you'll only be able to go five kilometers on a one-hour charge. No word on a release outside of China, as you might have guessed, but the company has apparently already produced ten of 'em for sale inside the country, with more presumably on the way.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció una buena idea para ahorrar.
Beijing Gets Tougher On Net Cafes With Mandatory Photos
Fri Oct 17 2008
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció muy interesante
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008
Semana 26 (por Iaru)
This post is almost half a Retromodo, in that compressed air cars have been peddled by companies like MDI for the last 20 years. But this compressed air-powered pod, the AirPod, is all new. The three-seater is powered by MDI's proprietary compressed air system, which uses electricity to force the air to power the engine's pistons. The car might appear in U.S. cities by 2010, and possibly India and Europe a bit sooner.
The range, as expected, is quite limited. The AirPod gets up to about 40 mph, and goes approximately 130 miles between charges.
Once the tank is depleted, refilling it is described as "extremely quick" if you happen to have a specialized compressed air filling station handy. Otherwise, you'll have to fill up using a traditional home air compressor.
Oct 11th 2008
Para ver más
Calculadora 4 (por Ariel P. y Iara)
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cero_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub cinco_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub coma_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + ","
coma.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command8_Click()
barra.Caption = 1 / Val(barra.Caption)
End Sub
Private Sub cuatro_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub dividido_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = dividido.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub dos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub igual_Click()
If auxiliar2.Caption = "+" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) + Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "-" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) - Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "*" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) * Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "/" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "%" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption) * 100
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mas_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = mas.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub masmanos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption * -1
End Sub
Private Sub menos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = menos.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub nueve_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub ocho_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub por_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = por.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub porcentaje_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = "%"
End Sub
Private Sub seis_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub siete_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub sqrt_Click()
barra.Caption = Sqr(barra.Caption)
End Sub
Private Sub tres_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub uno_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "1"
End Sub
sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008
Semana 25 (por Iaru)
Oct 2nd 2008
Oct 7th 2008
viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008
Calculadora 3 (por Ariel y Iaru)
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cero_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub cinco_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub coma_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + ","
coma.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub cuatro_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub dividido_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = dividido.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub dos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub igual_Click()
If auxiliar2.Caption = "+" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) + Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "-" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) - Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "*" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) * Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "/" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "%" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption) * 100
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mas_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = mas.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub masmanos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption * -1
End Sub
Private Sub menos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = menos.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub nueve_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub ocho_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub por_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = por.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub porcentaje_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = "%"
End Sub
Private Sub seis_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub siete_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub sqrt_Click()
barra.Caption = Sqr(barra.Caption)
End Sub
Private Sub tres_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub uno_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "1"
End Sub
Semana 24 (por Iaru)
29 / 09 / 2008
Si eres de ese tipo de personas que cambian constantemente de parecer, este nuevo televisor de Philips está hecho a tu medida. Y es que los nuevos TV con pantalla LCD, bautizados muy sabiamente como Flavors, vienen con marcos intercambiables con diferentes diseños para que cada mañana le pongas el que más coraje te de.
Cada televisor viene con dos marcos a elegir, que podrás colocar gracias a unas monturas magnéticas que facilitan su colocación. Además, si dos no son suficientes para ti, puedes adquirir unidades adicionales (hay hasta 12 diferentes para elegir)
Lo elegí porque es una muy buena idea cambia los marcos.
Para ver más
CEATEC: Hitachi muestra una TV LCD de 37 pulgadas y 15mm de grosor
30 / 09 / 2008
Nos encantan las televisiones delgadísimas, y esta pantalla LCD de Hitachi ciertamente nos permitirá dormir con una sonrisa en la cara. Fue presentada en la CEATEC, ofrece una resolución 1.920x1.080 en sus 37 pulgadas, pero lo especial son sus 15mm de grosor. No te alegres mucho en cualquier caso, dado que la fabricación en masa no empezará hasta el "2009 o después".
Lo elegí porque me gusta el diseño
Para ver más
Lo de tomar apuntes con bolígrafo y papel sigue siendo bastante habitual, empieza a haber dispositivos que quizás hagan que te olvides de ellos. Así por ejemplo el Zpen es un conjunto formado por un bolígrafo y un sensor que grabará todos los movimientos que realices con él. Cuando llegues a casa podrás pasar la información a tu ordenador conectando el sensor por USB. Viene con un software que reconoce escritura por si quieres pasar tus garabatos a texto de ordenador.
Lo elegí porque me serviría de mucho y además esmuy original
Para ver más
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008
Visual Basic (por Ari y Iaru)
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cero_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub cinco_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub cuatro_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub dividido_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = dividido.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub dos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub igual_Click()
If auxiliar2.Caption = "+" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) + Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "-" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) - Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "*" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) * Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "/" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
auxiliar2.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub mas_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = mas.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub menos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = menos.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub nueve_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub ocho_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub por_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = por.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub porcentaje_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = barra.Caption
auxiliar2.Caption = Val(auxiliar2 * 100)
End Sub
Private Sub seis_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub siete_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub tres_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub uno_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "1"
End Sub
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008
Semana 23 (por Iaru)
24 / 09 / 2008
24 / 09 / 2008
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008
Calculadora (por Iaru)
Private Sub borrar_Click()
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cero_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub cinco_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub cuatro_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub dividido_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub dos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub igual_Click()
If auxiliar2.Caption = "+" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) + Val(barra.Caption)
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) - Val(barra.Caption)
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "/" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption)
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) * Val(barra.Caption)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mas_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub menos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub nueve_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub ocho_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub seis_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub siete_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub tres_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub uno_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "1"
End Sub
jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008
Semana 22 (por Iaru)
Sep 14th 2008
This insanely kitted out Toyota MR2 is being put up for sale by its owner somewhere in Germany -- he's a highly motivated seller, provided you have the prerequisite electronics and programming (especially Visual Basic) skills. The standard gauges and indicators in the car have been removed, replaced with touch screens and a console mounted iDrive knob, offering the pilot of this machine control over almost every aspect of its operation: climate control, GPS, fuel consumption, mirrors, radar/laser, wireless transfer of music from a home computer, lights, fog lights... and the all-important VCD playback. Also listed on the original posting is something called the "police button" which "virtually controls the police." This might have been something that Google mistranslated, but we prefer to think otherwise.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque utiliza la programación de Visual Basic y nostros estamos aprendiendo a programar con el mosmo.
Pupitres multitáctiles para las escuelas del futuro (porque los cuadernos de ahora son taaan complicados)
18 / 09 / 2008
Investigadores de la Universidad de Durham, en el Reino Unido, están trabajando duro para asegurarse de que el sector educativo del país no se quede fuera de la locura multitáctil. El todavía sin bautizar "pupitre interactivo multitáctil" forma parte del framework SynergyNet, en entorno para aulas interactivas construido en torno al motor de videojuegos jMonkey. Todavía no se sabe cómo cambiará SynergyNet el mundo de la enseñanza, pero cuando llegue a las escuelas será de código abierto, facilitando cualquier clase de modificación para adaptarse a los requisitos particulares de cada centro. Mientras tanto, los colegios que sigan pensando en sustituir las pizarras y los cuadernos de toda la vida deberán seguir escarbando entre la marabunta de portátiles de bajo coste.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque demuestra como avanza la tecnología que hasta las maneras de aprendizaje de los niños cambia.
Kaliho lanza el KU860, un UMPC convertible con GPS
16 / 09 / 2008
De momento sólo se puede adquirir en grandes cantidades, pero seguro que el fabricante no va a tener problemas en distribuirlo, dada las interesantes características que ofrece este UMPC. El KU860 es un laptop convertible con pantalla giratoria de 7 pulgadas WXGA táctil, procesador VIA C7-M, 1 GB de RAM, hasta 60 GB de disco duro, Webcam e incluso GPS. Por desgracia el precio aún es una incógnita, por lo que habrá que preguntar a Kaliho.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque em gusta el modelo y el diseño.
viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008
Visual Basic 3 (por Iaru)
NroCanal.Caption = Auxiliar2.Caption
Auxiliar2.Caption = auxiliar3.Caption
Auxiliar2.Caption = NroCanal.Caption
auxiliar3.Caption = Auxiliar2.Caption
NroCanal.Caption = Auxiliar2.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub CATV_Click()
Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
End Sub
Private Sub catvtv_Click()
If Tvcatv.Caption = "TV" Then
Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cero_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub Cinco_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub Cuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub Dos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub Enter_Click()
If Tvcatv.Caption = "TV" Then
If auxiliar.Caption < 13 Then
Auxiliar2.Caption = NroCanal.Caption
NroCanal.Caption = auxiliar.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar.Caption < 129 Then
Auxiliar2.Caption = NroCanal.Caption
NroCanal.Caption = auxiliar.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Mas_Click()
If Tvcatv.Caption = "TV" Then
If NroCanal.Caption < 13 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption + 1
NroCanal.Caption = 0
End If
If NroCanal.Caption < 129 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption + 1
NroCanal.Caption = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Mas1_Click()
Pantalla.Top = Pantalla.Top + 100
auxiliar.Top = auxiliar.Top + 100
Shape2.Top = Shape2.Top + 100
Tvcatv.Top = Tvcatv.Top + 100
onoff.Top = onoff.Top + 100
NroCanal.Top = NroCanal.Top + 100
End Sub
Private Sub Mas2_Click()
Pantalla.Left = Pantalla.Left + 100
auxiliar.Left = auxiliar.Left + 100
Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left + 100
Tvcatv.Left = Tvcatv.Left + 100
onoff.Left = onoff.Left + 100
NroCanal.Left = NroCanal.Left + 100
End Sub
Private Sub Menos_Click()
If NroCanal.Caption > 0 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption - 1
If Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV" Then
NroCanal.Caption = 129
NroCanal.Caption = 13
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Menos1_Click()
Pantalla.Top = Pantalla.Top - 100
auxiliar.Top = auxiliar.Top - 100
Shape2.Top = Shape2.Top - 100
Tvcatv.Top = Tvcatv.Top - 100
onoff.Top = onoff.Top - 100
NroCanal.Top = NroCanal.Top - 100
End Sub
Private Sub Menos2_Click()
Pantalla.Left = Pantalla.Left - 100
auxiliar.Left = auxiliar.Left - 100
Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left - 100
Tvcatv.Left = Tvcatv.Left - 100
onoff.Left = onoff.Left - 100
NroCanal.Left = NroCanal.Left - 100
End Sub
Private Sub Nueve_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub Ocho_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub Off_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = ""
Tvcatv.Caption = ""
onoff.BackColor = vbBlack
Uno.Enabled = False
Dos.Enabled = False
Tres.Enabled = False
Cuatro.Enabled = False
Cinco.Enabled = False
Seis.Enabled = False
Siete.Enabled = False
Ocho.Enabled = False
Nueve.Enabled = False
Cero.Enabled = False
TV.Enabled = False
CATV.Enabled = False
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub offon_Click()
If onoff.BackColor = vbRed Then
onoff.BackColor = vbBlack
Uno.Enabled = False
Dos.Enabled = False
Tres.Enabled = False
Cuatro.Enabled = False
Cinco.Enabled = False
Seis.Enabled = False
Siete.Enabled = False
Ocho.Enabled = False
Nueve.Enabled = False
Cero.Enabled = False
TV.Enabled = False
CATV.Enabled = False
catvtv.Enabled = False
auxiliar.Caption = ""
Mas.Enabled = False
Mas1.Enabled = False
Mas2.Enabled = False
Menos.Enabled = False
Menos1.Enabled = False
Menos2.Enabled = False
Enter.Enabled = False
onoff.BackColor = vbRed
Uno.Enabled = True
Dos.Enabled = True
Tres.Enabled = True
Cuatro.Enabled = True
Cinco.Enabled = True
Seis.Enabled = True
Siete.Enabled = True
Ocho.Enabled = True
Nueve.Enabled = True
Cero.Enabled = True
TV.Enabled = True
CATV.Enabled = True
catvtv.Enabled = True
Mas.Enabled = True
Mas1.Enabled = True
Mas2.Enabled = True
Menos.Enabled = True
Menos1.Enabled = True
Menos2.Enabled = True
Enter.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub On_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = "0"
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
onoff.BackColor = vbRed
Uno.Enabled = True
Dos.Enabled = True
Tres.Enabled = True
Cuatro.Enabled = True
Cinco.Enabled = True
Seis.Enabled = True
Siete.Enabled = True
Ocho.Enabled = True
Nueve.Enabled = True
Cero.Enabled = True
TV.Enabled = True
CATV.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Seis_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub Siete_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub Tres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub TV_Click()
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
End Sub
Private Sub Uno_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "1"
End Sub
jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008
Semana 21 (por Iaru)
Para ver más
10 / 09 / 2008
sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008
Visual Basic 2 (por Iaru)
Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
End Sub
Private Sub catvtv_Click()
If Tvcatv.Caption = "TV" Then
Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cero_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub Cinco_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Cuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub Dos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub Enter_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = auxiliar.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = ""
If Tvcatv.Caption = "TV" Then
auxiliar.Caption = "13" < 0
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Mas_Click()
If Tvcatv.Caption = "TV" Then
If NroCanal.Caption < 13 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption + 1
NroCanal.Caption = 0
End If
If NroCanal.Caption < 129 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption + 1
NroCanal.Caption = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Mas1_Click()
Pantalla.Top = Pantalla.Top + 100
auxiliar.Top = auxiliar.Top + 100
Shape2.Top = Shape2.Top + 100
Tvcatv.Top = Tvcatv.Top + 100
onoff.Top = onoff.Top + 100
NroCanal.Top = NroCanal.Top + 100
End Sub
Private Sub Mas2_Click()
Pantalla.Left = Pantalla.Left + 100
auxiliar.Left = auxiliar.Left + 100
Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left + 100
Tvcatv.Left = Tvcatv.Left + 100
onoff.Left = onoff.Left + 100
NroCanal.Left = NroCanal.Left + 100
End Sub
Private Sub Menos_Click()
If NroCanal.Caption > 0 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption - 1
If Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV" Then
NroCanal.Caption = 129
NroCanal.Caption = 13
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Menos1_Click()
Pantalla.Top = Pantalla.Top - 100
auxiliar.Top = auxiliar.Top - 100
Shape2.Top = Shape2.Top - 100
Tvcatv.Top = Tvcatv.Top - 100
onoff.Top = onoff.Top - 100
NroCanal.Top = NroCanal.Top - 100
End Sub
Private Sub Menos2_Click()
Pantalla.Left = Pantalla.Left - 100
auxiliar.Left = auxiliar.Left - 100
Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left - 100
Tvcatv.Left = Tvcatv.Left - 100
onoff.Left = onoff.Left - 100
NroCanal.Left = NroCanal.Left - 100
End Sub
Private Sub Nueve_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub Ocho_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub Off_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = ""
Tvcatv.Caption = ""
onoff.BackColor = vbBlack
Uno.Enabled = False
Dos.Enabled = False
Tres.Enabled = False
Cuatro.Enabled = False
Cinco.Enabled = False
Seis.Enabled = False
Siete.Enabled = False
Ocho.Enabled = False
Nueve.Enabled = False
Cero.Enabled = False
TV.Enabled = False
CATV.Enabled = False
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub offon_Click()
If onoff.BackColor = vbRed Then
onoff.BackColor = vbBlack
Uno.Enabled = False
Dos.Enabled = False
Tres.Enabled = False
Cuatro.Enabled = False
Cinco.Enabled = False
Seis.Enabled = False
Siete.Enabled = False
Ocho.Enabled = False
Nueve.Enabled = False
Cero.Enabled = False
TV.Enabled = False
CATV.Enabled = False
catvtv.Enabled = False
auxiliar.Caption = ""
Mas.Enabled = False
Mas1.Enabled = False
Mas2.Enabled = False
Menos.Enabled = False
Menos1.Enabled = False
Menos2.Enabled = False
Enter.Enabled = False
onoff.BackColor = vbRed
Uno.Enabled = True
Dos.Enabled = True
Tres.Enabled = True
Cuatro.Enabled = True
Cinco.Enabled = True
Seis.Enabled = True
Siete.Enabled = True
Ocho.Enabled = True
Nueve.Enabled = True
Cero.Enabled = True
TV.Enabled = True
CATV.Enabled = True
catvtv.Enabled = True
Mas.Enabled = True
Mas1.Enabled = True
Mas2.Enabled = True
Menos.Enabled = True
Menos1.Enabled = True
Menos2.Enabled = True
Enter.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub On_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = "0"
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
onoff.BackColor = vbRed
Uno.Enabled = True
Dos.Enabled = True
Tres.Enabled = True
Cuatro.Enabled = True
Cinco.Enabled = True
Seis.Enabled = True
Siete.Enabled = True
Ocho.Enabled = True
Nueve.Enabled = True
Cero.Enabled = True
TV.Enabled = True
CATV.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Seis_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub Siete_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub Tres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub TV_Click()
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
End Sub
Private Sub Uno_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "1"
End Sub
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008
Semana 20 (por Iaru)
Aug 30th 2008 at 3:12PM
Neurosurgery with robotic assistance is getting pretty old hat nowadays, so it looks like scientists are trying to up the difficulty factor by keeping their patients awake -- a team of French doctors just completed the first successful removal of malignant brain tumor from a still-conscious patient, using a computerized laser and an MRI scanner to guide the probe. The fiber-optic laser was fed into the brain through a 3mm (.12 inch) hole in the patient's skull and guided via MRI to the tumor, where it fired for two minutes and completely destroyed the cancerous tissue. Once the tumor cells were dead, the cable was removed and the patient was allowed to return home -- all within a single day.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque esto demuestra como la medicina avanza con la tecnología
Yamaha Trumpet...Cellphone?
Sat Aug 30 2008
Yamaha and KDDI put together a group of concept cellphones with musical themes, including a trumpet, guitar, DJ scratch pad, and drums.
Lo elegí porque el diseño esta bueno y se le dan dos usos, como instrumento y como celular, una muy buena idea de Yamaha.
Coca-Cola empieza a probar surtidores de refrescos con 100 sabores distintos29 / 08 / 2008
Coca-Cola ha presentado una máquina capaz de llenarte el vaso con 100 sabores distintos (de vez en vez), y la cosa parece que va en serio. Las primeras unidades comenzaron a ser distribuidas este verano.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me impresionó como tan solo una maquina produce 100 sabores.
viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008
Visual Basic (por Iaru)
Private Sub CATV_Click()
Tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
End Sub
Private Sub Cero_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "0"
End Sub
Private Sub Cinco_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "5"
End Sub
Private Sub Cuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "4"
End Sub
Private Sub Dos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "2"
End Sub
Private Sub Enter_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = auxiliar.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Mas_Click()
If NroCanal.Caption < caption =" NroCanal.Caption" caption =" 0" top =" Pantalla.Top" top =" auxiliar.Top" top =" Shape2.Top" top =" Tvcatv.Top" top =" onoff.Top" top =" NroCanal.Top" left =" Pantalla.Left" left =" auxiliar.Left" left =" Shape2.Left" left =" Tvcatv.Left" left =" onoff.Left" left =" NroCanal.Left"> 0 Then
NroCanal.Caption = NroCanal.Caption - 1
NroCanal.Caption = 129
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Menos1_Click()
Pantalla.Top = Pantalla.Top - 100
auxiliar.Top = auxiliar.Top - 100
Shape2.Top = Shape2.Top - 100
Tvcatv.Top = Tvcatv.Top - 100
onoff.Top = onoff.Top - 100
NroCanal.Top = NroCanal.Top - 100
End Sub
Private Sub Menos2_Click()
Pantalla.Left = Pantalla.Left - 100
auxiliar.Left = auxiliar.Left - 100
Shape2.Left = Shape2.Left - 100
Tvcatv.Left = Tvcatv.Left - 100
onoff.Left = onoff.Left - 100
NroCanal.Left = NroCanal.Left - 100
End Sub
Private Sub Nueve_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "9"
End Sub
Private Sub Ocho_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "8"
End Sub
Private Sub Off_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = ""
Tvcatv.Caption = ""
onoff.BackColor = vbBlack
Uno.Enabled = False
Dos.Enabled = False
Tres.Enabled = False
Cuatro.Enabled = False
Cinco.Enabled = False
Seis.Enabled = False
Siete.Enabled = False
Ocho.Enabled = False
Nueve.Enabled = False
Cero.Enabled = False
TV.Enabled = False
CATV.Enabled = False
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub On_Click()
NroCanal.Caption = "0"
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
onoff.BackColor = vbRed
Uno.Enabled = True
Dos.Enabled = True
Tres.Enabled = True
Cuatro.Enabled = True
Cinco.Enabled = True
Seis.Enabled = True
Siete.Enabled = True
Ocho.Enabled = True
Nueve.Enabled = True
Cero.Enabled = True
TV.Enabled = True
CATV.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Seis_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "6"
End Sub
Private Sub Siete_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "7"
End Sub
Private Sub Tres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "3"
End Sub
Private Sub TV_Click()
Tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
End Sub
Private Sub Uno_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = auxiliar.Caption + "1"
End Sub