viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Ascensor final (por Iaru)

Private Sub L1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
L1.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub L2_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
L2.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub L3_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
L3.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub L4_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
L4.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 480) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
L5.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
llamar1.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 480) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
llamardos.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
cuentapisospb.Caption = Val(cuentapisospb.Caption) + 1
llamarpb.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub llamarss_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
cuentapisosss.Caption = Val(cuentapisosss.Caption) + 1
llamarss.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
llamartres.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub LPB_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
cuentapisospb.Caption = Val(cuentapisospb.Caption) + 1
LPB.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub LSS_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = Sqr(((ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840) ^ 2)
cuentapisos.Caption = Val(cuentapisos.Caption) + Val(auxiliar.Caption)
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
cuentapisosss.Caption = Val(cuentapisosss.Caption) + 1
LSS.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack

End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
pcinco.Enabled = False
pcuatro.Enabled = False
ptres.Enabled = False
pdos.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
ss.Enabled = False
puno.Enabled = False

llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
pcinco.Enabled = True
pcuatro.Enabled = True
ptres.Enabled = True
pdos.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
ss.Enabled = True
puno.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

Ascensor 4 (por Iaru)

Private Sub L1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub L2_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub L3_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub L4_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ll1_Click(Index As Integer)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 4320) / 840
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub

Private Sub ll2_Click(Index As Integer)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 3360) / 840
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub

Private Sub ll3_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 2400) / 840
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub

Private Sub ll4_Click(Index As Integer)
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1440) / 840
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"

End Sub

Private Sub ll5_Click(Index As Integer)
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"

End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 4680) / 840
ascensor.Top = 4680
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
cuentapisos1.Caption = Val(cuentapisos1.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
cuentapisos5.Caption = Val(cuentapisos5.Caption) + 1

End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1560) / 840
ascensor.Top = 1560
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
cuentapisos4.Caption = Val(cuentapisos4.Caption) + 1
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 1560) / 840
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 3720) / 840
ascensor.Top = 3720
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
cuentapisos2.Caption = Val(cuentapisos2.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 5640) / 840
ascensor.Top = 5640
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"

End Sub

Private Sub llamarss_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 6480) / 840
ascensor.Top = 6480
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"

End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 2640) / 840
ascensor.Top = 2640
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
cuentapisos3.Caption = Val(cuentapisos3.Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub llpb_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub

Private Sub llss_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub

Private Sub LPB_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 5280) / 840
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
cuentapisospb.Caption = Val(cuentapisospb.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub LSS_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = (ascensor.Top - 6240) / 840
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
cuentapisosss.Caption = Val(cuentapisosss.Caption) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack

End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
pcinco.Enabled = False
pcuatro.Enabled = False
ptres.Enabled = False
pdos.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
ss.Enabled = False
puno.Enabled = False

llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
pcinco.Enabled = True
pcuatro.Enabled = True
ptres.Enabled = True
pdos.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
ss.Enabled = True
puno.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Ascensor 3 (por Iaru)

Private Sub L1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub

Private Sub L2_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub

Private Sub L3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub

Private Sub L4_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub

Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ll1_Click(Index As Integer)
ascensor.Top = 4320
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub

Private Sub ll2_Click(Index As Integer)
ascensor.Top = 3360
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub

Private Sub ll3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2400
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub

Private Sub ll4_Click(Index As Integer)
ascensor.Top = 1440
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub

Private Sub ll5_Click(Index As Integer)
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
pcinco.Caption = "1"
pcuatro.Caption = "1"
ptres.Caption = "1"
pdos.Caption = "1"
puno.Caption = "1"
pb.Caption = "1"
ss.Caption = "1"
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
pcinco.Caption = "5"
pcuatro.Caption = "5"
ptres.Caption = "5"
pdos.Caption = "5"
pb.Caption = "5"
ss.Caption = "5"
puno.Caption = "5"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
pcinco.Caption = "4"
pcuatro.Caption = "4"
ptres.Caption = "4"
pdos.Caption = "4"
pb.Caption = "4"
ss.Caption = "4"
puno.Caption = "4"
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
pcinco.Caption = "2"
pcuatro.Caption = "2"
ptres.Caption = "2"
pdos.Caption = "2"
pb.Caption = "2"
ss.Caption = "2"
puno.Caption = "2"
End Sub

Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub

Private Sub llamarss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
pcinco.Caption = "3"
pcuatro.Caption = "3"
ptres.Caption = "3"
pdos.Caption = "3"
pb.Caption = "3"
ss.Caption = "3"
puno.Caption = "3"
End Sub

Private Sub llpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub

Private Sub llss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub

Private Sub LPB_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5280
pcinco.Caption = "PB"
pcuatro.Caption = "PB"
ptres.Caption = "PB"
pdos.Caption = "PB"
pb.Caption = "PB"
ss.Caption = "PB"
puno.Caption = "PB"
End Sub

Private Sub LSS_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6240
pcinco.Caption = "SS"
pcuatro.Caption = "SS"
ptres.Caption = "SS"
pdos.Caption = "SS"
pb.Caption = "SS"
ss.Caption = "SS"
puno.Caption = "SS"
End Sub

Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack

End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
pcinco.Enabled = False
pcuatro.Enabled = False
ptres.Enabled = False
pdos.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
ss.Enabled = False
puno.Enabled = False

llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
pcinco.Enabled = True
pcuatro.Enabled = True
ptres.Enabled = True
pdos.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
ss.Enabled = True
puno.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

Semana 29 (por Iaru)

ASUS presenta la torre de sobremesa plegable VENTO TA-F
03 / 11 / 2008

ASUS ha vuelto a sorprender con un producto mucho más útil de lo que pueda parecer, puesto que con este chasis plegable se puede ahorrar hasta un 30% en transporte y almacenamiento (siempre que esté plegada, claro). Los amantes del bricolaje les encantará descubrir que no son necesarias herramientas para su montaje y la cantidad de puertos y espacios con que viene el VENTO.Se venderá en dos colores: plateado (TA-FA21) o negro (TA-FA11), aunque por el momento no tenemos más detalles ni sobre el precio ni la fecha de lanzamiento.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me es muy práctico.

Las webcams con cristales Swarovski demuestran que si no brilla no sirve.
31 / 10 / 2008

No vamos a decir que aparatos sin cristales Swarovski no sirven para nada, sin embargo, estos parecen subir su valor (aunque sea netamente económico). Las webcams Laplace de Vicious and Divine se venden por alrededor de 50 euros. Incluyen resolución para fotos de 2 megapíxeles, video de 1,3 megapíxeles, flash y una articulación que permite montarlas en portátiles y monitores de panel plano. Como puedes ver en la fotografía superior, vienen en colores blanco y negro, y harán que seas el individuo más envidiado (¿odiado?) de la Campus Party. Claro que si compras una de estas, seguramente no te importará que la gente te odie.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me gusto el modelo

Tomy xiao digital camera has built in Zink printer, the spirit of Polaroids
Nov 6th 2008

Like just about everyone else, we miss the Polaroid film format; maybe it's just nostalgia, but we enjoyed having something we could hold on to (and shake) after taking a picture. Polaroids may be dead, but the basic concept lives on -- remember Zink, that company whose technology prints digital photos on the spot without ink? It's joined forces with toy-maker Tomy to make the xiao TIP-521, a digital camera with a printer built in. The xiao has a modest five megapixel resolution, so we might wait and see how Polaroid's own Zink camera turns out, but in either case we're stoked the tactile experience is back.
Lo elegí porque me gustaría tener una de estas cámaras y porque demuestra que todo vuelve ya que este tipo de cámaras ya se utilizaban años atras.

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

Semana 28 (por Iaru)

Virtuo Digital Palette Takes The Problems Out of Painting
24 de Octubre

One of my greatest passions in life is oil painting. I love everything about it—even the smell of turpentine (especially the smell of turpentine). However, for the novice the whole process can be quite daunting. It's messy and mixing the paints correctly requires skill. That is why designer Yana Klimava developed Virtuo—a digital painting system for beginners that overcomes these problems. The system consists of a monitor that acts as a digital canvas, a palette, a pencil, paintbrush, palette knife, airbrush and pastel stick.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció muy original

El robot EI-E abre puertas y cajones (¿?)
23 / 10 / 2008
Este robot es capaz de abrir todo tipo de puertas y cajones, incluyendo la del microondas, y responde además a órdenes recibidas por voz (del tipo "empuja", "tira" y tal). En fin, pues eso. Si quieres ver el vídeo haz click en Leer un poco más abajo.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porue es muy interesante que el robot pueda recibir ordenes

Samsung muestra la primera foto del Cleo, su nuevo móvil femenino
24 / 10 / 2008

Samsung se guarda una nueva sorpresa. Una para las chicas, por lo que se ve. Su CLEO, filtrado en nombre hace dos meses gracias a un e-mail de la compañía Verizon, es todo un misterio con forma de polvera que parece haber sido diseñado para vivir dentro de un bolso. Nada sabemos aparte de su nombre, aunque por su configuración plegable podemos suponer que esconde un generoso teclado QWERTY con el que ametrallarnos a mensajes. Esta "nueva experiencia" de "alta comunicación" (sic) será lanzada en lo que queda de año, así que no te despegues de la pantalla; su anuncio oficial debería estar al caer.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me gustó el diseño

Ascensor 2 (por Iaru)

Private Sub L1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub

Private Sub L2_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
End Sub

Private Sub L3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub

Private Sub L4_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub

Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
End Sub

Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
End Sub

Private Sub llamarss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub

Private Sub LPB_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
End Sub

Private Sub LSS_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
End Sub

Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack

End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
ll1.Enabled = False
ll2.Enabled = False
ll3.Enabled = False
ll4.Enabled = False
ll5.Enabled = False
llss.Enabled = False
llpb.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
ll1.Enabled = True
ll2.Enabled = True
ll3.Enabled = True
ll4.Enabled = True
ll5.Enabled = True
llss.Enabled = True
llpb.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Ascensor (por Iaru)

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720 End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub