viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

Semana 28 (por Iaru)

Virtuo Digital Palette Takes The Problems Out of Painting
24 de Octubre

One of my greatest passions in life is oil painting. I love everything about it—even the smell of turpentine (especially the smell of turpentine). However, for the novice the whole process can be quite daunting. It's messy and mixing the paints correctly requires skill. That is why designer Yana Klimava developed Virtuo—a digital painting system for beginners that overcomes these problems. The system consists of a monitor that acts as a digital canvas, a palette, a pencil, paintbrush, palette knife, airbrush and pastel stick.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció muy original

El robot EI-E abre puertas y cajones (¿?)
23 / 10 / 2008
Este robot es capaz de abrir todo tipo de puertas y cajones, incluyendo la del microondas, y responde además a órdenes recibidas por voz (del tipo "empuja", "tira" y tal). En fin, pues eso. Si quieres ver el vídeo haz click en Leer un poco más abajo.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porue es muy interesante que el robot pueda recibir ordenes

Samsung muestra la primera foto del Cleo, su nuevo móvil femenino
24 / 10 / 2008

Samsung se guarda una nueva sorpresa. Una para las chicas, por lo que se ve. Su CLEO, filtrado en nombre hace dos meses gracias a un e-mail de la compañía Verizon, es todo un misterio con forma de polvera que parece haber sido diseñado para vivir dentro de un bolso. Nada sabemos aparte de su nombre, aunque por su configuración plegable podemos suponer que esconde un generoso teclado QWERTY con el que ametrallarnos a mensajes. Esta "nueva experiencia" de "alta comunicación" (sic) será lanzada en lo que queda de año, así que no te despegues de la pantalla; su anuncio oficial debería estar al caer.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me gustó el diseño

Ascensor 2 (por Iaru)

Private Sub L1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub

Private Sub L2_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
End Sub

Private Sub L3_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub

Private Sub L4_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub

Private Sub L5_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcinco_Click()
If contraseña = "hola" Then
ascensor.Top = 480
End If
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720
End Sub

Private Sub llamarpb_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
End Sub

Private Sub llamarss_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub

Private Sub LPB_Click()
ascensor.Top = 5640
End Sub

Private Sub LSS_Click()
ascensor.Top = 6480
End Sub

Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite
If ascensor.FillColor = vbWhite Then
ascensor.FillColor = vbBlack

End If

End If
End Sub

Private Sub stop_Click()
If llamar1.Enabled = True Then
llamar1.Enabled = False
llamardos.Enabled = False
llamartres.Enabled = False
llamarcuatro.Enabled = False
llamarcinco.Enabled = False
llamarss.Enabled = False
llamarpb.Enabled = False
L1.Enabled = False
L2.Enabled = False
L3.Enabled = False
L4.Enabled = False
L5.Enabled = False
LPB.Enabled = False
LSS.Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
ll1.Enabled = False
ll2.Enabled = False
ll3.Enabled = False
ll4.Enabled = False
ll5.Enabled = False
llss.Enabled = False
llpb.Enabled = False
llamar1.Enabled = True
llamardos.Enabled = True
llamartres.Enabled = True
llamarcuatro.Enabled = True
llamarcinco.Enabled = True
llamarss.Enabled = True
llamarpb.Enabled = True
L1.Enabled = True
L2.Enabled = True
L3.Enabled = True
L4.Enabled = True
L5.Enabled = True
LPB.Enabled = True
LSS.Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
ll1.Enabled = True
ll2.Enabled = True
ll3.Enabled = True
ll4.Enabled = True
ll5.Enabled = True
llss.Enabled = True
llpb.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Ascensor (por Iaru)

Private Sub llamar1_Click()
ascensor.Top = 4680
End Sub

Private Sub llamarcuatro_Click()
ascensor.Top = 1560
End Sub

Private Sub llamardos_Click()
ascensor.Top = 3720 End Sub

Private Sub llamartres_Click()
ascensor.Top = 2640
End Sub

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

Semana 27 (por Iaru)

R/C Fin-Fish Blimp Hypnotically Swims Through the Air
Oct 17 2008

Air Art from flip on Vimeo.

Like Festo's Air Ray and Airjelly contraptions, this Fin-Fish R/C blimp floats so gracefully through the air that it is liable to hypnotize you at your office desk until quittin' time. There isn't any information on device, but it appears to be an entry in the annual Airship Regatta held in Germany. And, and like the Air Ray, it is probably built with a helium-filled balloon and servo-driven fins.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció un buen invento.

Chinese-made solar-powered car gets 150 kilometers on a 30-hour charge
Oct 17th 2008

It may not attract the same sort of glances as a Tesla, or a Volt, for that matter, but this solar-powered car built by China's Zhejiang 001 Group is pretty impressive in its own right, both for its price (just $5,560), and it's efficiency. That latter bit is a result of some rather un-integrated solar panels, which absorb 95% of the solar energy they take in and convert it to electricity at between 14 and 17% efficiency, which is actually pretty impressive as far as solar panels go. According to the company, that should let you travel about 150 kilometers on a 30-hour charge, though you'll only be able to go five kilometers on a one-hour charge. No word on a release outside of China, as you might have guessed, but the company has apparently already produced ten of 'em for sale inside the country, with more presumably on the way.
Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció una buena idea para ahorrar.

Beijing Gets Tougher On Net Cafes With Mandatory Photos
Fri Oct 17 2008

All internet cafes in the main 14 city districts of Beijing have been mandated to install cameras to take pics of people as they enter the store, which are they uploaded to a city-wide database under watch of the Cultural Law Enforcement Taskforce. Shop owners have apparently said that their customers don't care, but apparently an online version of the People's Daily showed 72% respondents opposing it because it violated their rights.

Para ver más
Lo elegí porque me pareció muy interesante

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008

Semana 26 (por Iaru)

AirPod is Like a Smart Car Full of Hot Air, and That's the Idea
Oct 12 2008

This post is almost half a Retromodo, in that compressed air cars have been peddled by companies like MDI for the last 20 years. But this compressed air-powered pod, the AirPod, is all new. The three-seater is powered by MDI's proprietary compressed air system, which uses electricity to force the air to power the engine's pistons. The car might appear in U.S. cities by 2010, and possibly India and Europe a bit sooner.
The range, as expected, is quite limited. The AirPod gets up to about 40 mph, and goes approximately 130 miles between charges.
Once the tank is depleted, refilling it is described as "extremely quick" if you happen to have a specialized compressed air filling station handy. Otherwise, you'll have to fill up using a traditional home air compressor.

Lo elegí porque es una buena idea y muestra como serán los autos del futuro
El WoW MMO Gaming Mouse hace que desperdiciar tu tiempo sea aún más divertido
10 / 10 / 2008

Como si pasar días enteros jugando World of Warcraft no fuera lo suficientemente anti productivo, SteelSeries hará las cosas aún más fáciles, cómodas y divertidas. El World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse fue desarrollado en asociación con Ideazon (y con permiso de Blizzard). Ofrece 15 botones programables, ubicados alrededor del aparato, que pueden ser configurados desde el propio juego para que cada uno ejecute precisamente lo que necesitas. Permite grabar diferentes perfiles, y las luces LED en la parte posterior pueden ser configuradas en más de 16 millones de colores diferentes. Aunque sea cómodo y atractivo, no esperes que este periférico realice tu trabajo, porque no funciona con macros que obtengan oro mientras tú sólo miras a la pantalla. Saldrá a la venta el 13 de noviembre, al mismo tiempo que la actualización Lich King, por un precio "inferior a 100 dólares".
Lo elegí porque me gustó el modelo

GE builds an OLED printer, hopes to challenge light bulbs in 2010
Oct 11th 2008

Maybe the incandescent light bulb has been sitting in its socket-shaped throne for too many years -- GE thinks so, anyway. GE R&D guys have produced a machine that prints OLED materials newspaper-style onto 8-inch sheets of metal foil in hopes that the sheets -- which can be pinned to just about any surface -- will start the process of home lighting biz regime change in 2010. Picture, if you will, wallpaper or window blinds that provide soft, diffused lighting for the living room after dark -- no need for special fixtures, just a wall plug. OLED lighting isn't yet cost-efficient for the average consumer, but GE hopes that will change soon. In the meantime, expect to see these sheets in a trip-out Flaming Lips concert in the somewhat-near future.
Para ver más

Lo elegí porque es algo nuevo y original

Calculadora 4 (por Ariel P. y Iara)

Private Sub borrar_Click()
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cero_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "0"
End Sub

Private Sub cinco_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "5"
End Sub

Private Sub coma_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + ","
coma.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
barra.Caption = 1 / Val(barra.Caption)
End Sub

Private Sub cuatro_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "4"
End Sub

Private Sub dividido_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = dividido.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub dos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "2"
End Sub

Private Sub igual_Click()
If auxiliar2.Caption = "+" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) + Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "-" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) - Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "*" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) * Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "/" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "%" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption) * 100
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mas_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = mas.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub masmanos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption * -1
End Sub

Private Sub menos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = menos.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub nueve_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "9"
End Sub

Private Sub ocho_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "8"
End Sub

Private Sub por_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = por.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub porcentaje_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = "%"

End Sub

Private Sub seis_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "6"
End Sub

Private Sub siete_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "7"
End Sub

Private Sub sqrt_Click()
barra.Caption = Sqr(barra.Caption)

End Sub

Private Sub tres_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "3"
End Sub

Private Sub uno_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "1"
End Sub

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Semana 25 (por Iaru)

Nissan's Nuvu: electric, cartoonish
Oct 2nd 2008

Nissan's Nuvu is making its debut this week at the Paris motor show, and while it isn't the all-electric vehicle that the company has promised for 2010, it's a step in the right direction. Resembling something from a Pixar movie, the Nuvu has that special mix of "vaguely futuristic" and "somewhat impractical" that we look for in a concept car: it's less than ten feet long, seats three (un)comfortably and the space behind the driver is claimed by what looks like an end table with a conduit extending to the ceiling. Many of the cabin materials are either recycled or made from organic materials and since the vehicle is electric, it should be whisper quiet -- offering maximum clarity for your Medeski, Martin and Wood CDs.
Lo elegí porque es un adelanto de como van a ser los autos del futuro

Microsoft set to launch Surface SDK this month
Oct 7th 2008

Microsoft's large multitouch device -- the Surface -- will be getting its very own SDK at Microsoft's Professional Developer Conference this month. The package, which the folks in Redmond have apparently been promising since April, will introduce developers to "vision-based object recognition" and something called ScatterView, and a session at the PDC will detail how the kit "aligns with the multitouch developer roadmap for Windows 7." All exciting stuff, but if we don't see a giant, multitouch version of FreeCell soon, we might just stop paying attention.
Lo elegí porque me gusto el diseño
Remock Lockey Opens Doors With Its Wireless Mojo
Tue Oct 7 2008
Wireless deadbolts have been on the market for a while now, but the new Remock Lockey seems like a decent solution for doors you want to secure inside a home. The remote controlled lock is placed on the inside of a room and can only be opened with a remote control "key." It runs on store bought batteries, but the system will automatically shut down when the power is low so you don't have to worry about getting locked out

Lo elegí porque me pareció una idea que ayudará a que haya más seguridad

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

Calculadora 3 (por Ariel y Iaru)

Private Sub borrar_Click()
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cero_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "0"
End Sub

Private Sub cinco_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "5"
End Sub

Private Sub coma_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + ","
coma.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cuatro_Click(Index As Integer)
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "4"
End Sub

Private Sub dividido_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = dividido.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub dos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "2"
End Sub

Private Sub igual_Click()
If auxiliar2.Caption = "+" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) + Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "-" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) - Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "*" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) * Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "/" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption)
auxiliar.Caption = ""
End If
If auxiliar2.Caption = "%" Then
barra.Caption = Val(auxiliar.Caption) / Val(barra.Caption) * 100
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mas_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = mas.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub masmanos_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption * -1
End Sub

Private Sub menos_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = menos.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub nueve_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "9"
End Sub

Private Sub ocho_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "8"
End Sub

Private Sub por_Click()
auxiliar2.Caption = por.Caption
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub porcentaje_Click()
auxiliar.Caption = barra.Caption
barra.Caption = ""
auxiliar2.Caption = "%"

End Sub

Private Sub seis_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "6"
End Sub

Private Sub siete_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "7"
End Sub

Private Sub sqrt_Click()
barra.Caption = Sqr(barra.Caption)

End Sub

Private Sub tres_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "3"
End Sub

Private Sub uno_Click()
barra.Caption = barra.Caption + "1"
End Sub

Semana 24 (por Iaru)

Televisores Philips Flavors con marcos intercambiables
29 / 09 / 2008

Si eres de ese tipo de personas que cambian constantemente de parecer, este nuevo televisor de Philips está hecho a tu medida. Y es que los nuevos TV con pantalla LCD, bautizados muy sabiamente como Flavors, vienen con marcos intercambiables con diferentes diseños para que cada mañana le pongas el que más coraje te de.

Cada televisor viene con dos marcos a elegir, que podrás colocar gracias a unas monturas magnéticas que facilitan su colocación. Además, si dos no son suficientes para ti, puedes adquirir unidades adicionales (hay hasta 12 diferentes para elegir)

Lo elegí porque es una muy buena idea cambia los marcos.
Para ver más

CEATEC: Hitachi muestra una TV LCD de 37 pulgadas y 15mm de grosor
30 / 09 / 2008
Nos encantan las televisiones delgadísimas, y esta pantalla LCD de Hitachi ciertamente nos permitirá dormir con una sonrisa en la cara. Fue presentada en la CEATEC, ofrece una resolución 1.920x1.080 en sus 37 pulgadas, pero lo especial son sus 15mm de grosor. No te alegres mucho en cualquier caso, dado que la fabricación en masa no empezará hasta el "2009 o después".

Lo elegí porque me gusta el diseño
Para ver más


Lo de tomar apuntes con bolígrafo y papel sigue siendo bastante habitual, empieza a haber dispositivos que quizás hagan que te olvides de ellos. Así por ejemplo el Zpen es un conjunto formado por un bolígrafo y un sensor que grabará todos los movimientos que realices con él. Cuando llegues a casa podrás pasar la información a tu ordenador conectando el sensor por USB. Viene con un software que reconoce escritura por si quieres pasar tus garabatos a texto de ordenador.

Lo elegí porque me serviría de mucho y además esmuy original
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